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Posted on by RIOTANDCO
On the morning of November 9th 2016 it was sadly clear something big has happened in America. A dangerous, populist, hate prophet was elected as leader of the free world. This was unimaginable just a few weeks earlier and came as a real shock for millions of people in America who are now deeply concerned about their basic human rights.
But he was not alone. All over the world there were leaders who used hate and fear to rise to power and spread some more hate and fear to maintain it.
The #resist project is inspired by the call to action following the rise of the most incompetent, racist, homophobic and plain haters to power in democracies worldwide. While these politicians do their best to discriminate minorities, spread hate and weaken democracy, it seems we are left with no choice but to resist.
These world “anti-leaders” all have something in common: They use the same hate tactics to gain power, corrupt the democratic foundations of our societies, and reject multiculturalism. They encourage discrimination against minorities and use hate rhetoric to inflame communities against each other.
It’s time for everyone on the side of freedom all over the world to stand together and resist. Resist Trump. Resist Putin. Resist hate.
Posted on by RIOTANDCO
We are excited to announce a unique collaboration between 2Create – Art Collaborations in New York City by Yoav Litvin and RIOTANDCO to produce a limited-edition series of t-shirts!
2Create – Art Collaborations in New York City sheds lights on the practice of cooperative creation in street art and graffiti- the rewards and challenges. The book focuses on two remarkable features of art; the processes of multiple mediums such as collage, murals and screen printing, and the complexities and beauty of the collaborative work between two people who comprise a unit that is greater than a sum of their parts.
But 2Create is more than a book on art. It is a beautifully designed document that presents the collaborative duo as the basic unit of a collective humanity in which empathy and collaboration trump disregard and domination. In an era of the cult of celebrity, war and climate change collective action is not only beneficial, it is necessary.
In our limited edition series, we will present works by several graffiti and street artists from New York City, as well as the 2Create logo, designed by Dan Michman.
Albert Diaz is a prolific and influential first-generation NYC subway graffiti artist, who later became a text-oriented street artist, Al Diaz’s career spans 5 decades. He currently works with WET PAINT signs used throughout the New York City subway system. Al Diaz is best know for his collaboration with Jean Michel Basquiat on SAMO©, graffiti that appeared in lower Manhattan from 1977 to 1979.
Jilly Ballistic is one of the few to continue to work in the NY subway system, Jilly Ballistic uses clever and often subtle interventions with image and word to remark on topics ranging from the empire city’s people to world affairs.
Alice Mizrachi is a New York based interdisciplinary artist and educator working in the mediums of painting, murals and installation. Her work explores the interconnectedness of individuals and community through the dual lens of compassion and empathy. Through figurative work that reinforces both personal and community-oriented identity, Alice aims to inspire creative expression and a sense of shared humanity through art.
TRAPIF, a native to Queens, TRAPIF is a prolific graffiti writer and artist.
Posted on by RIOTANDCO
Inspiration travels around the world in strange ways.
In December 2010, a Tunisian street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire. That started a revolution in Tunisia. Less than a month later, Egyptian students led an entire nation to the streets and squares, to remove a tyrant from power.
The amazing images of Tharir square captured minds and hearts of people around the world, many of them young, giving rise to the 15-M Movement in Spain, the Social Justice protests in Israel, the Indian anti-corruption protests, Occupy Wall Street, the huge student protests of Quebec, the Iranian Green Revolution, and of course, the Syrian uprising.
Each of those events gave rise to the next one, spreading onward the hope that change will happen. That leaders of the world will start facing the real issues of their countries and of the entire world, and stop performing as mindless puppets of the financial elite. There was a feeling of a revolution in the air.
A revolution that didn’t come.
Egypt is now back under a the rule of a tyrant, after a short Islamist rule. In Spain, a right-winged government was formed, as in Israel. India still has a corrupt system, and after struggling against the entire system, Occupy Wall Street folded its tents. Iran’s revolution lost, and Syria is now a place of chaos and horror.
But as we said, inspiration travels in strange ways. And so in the last couple of years we’ve seen a second wind breathed in to the political sphere. Syriza in Greece, Podemos of Spain, Jeremy Corbyn in the UK, and now, on the center stage – Bernie Sanders.
This generation has never heard an American political leader talk the way Bernie talks. Around the world we were brought up with the US as the bearer of unrestrained Capitalism. Democrats, Republicans, they had their differences, but they all agreed: the market is wise, capitalism is good for all.
Bernie Sanders already sends shock waves across the world. The thought of an American president who’s not afraid of the S word is something we never thought we’ll hear. An American president who’s willing to say that the new Paris environmental agreement is not enough, is an ally our generation needs, in the US and everywhere else.
We at RIOTANDCO support Bernie Sanders with all our hearts and pray that he wins. GO BERNIE!
Posted on by RIOTANDCO
This is not a post about tshirts.
It’s a post about a conversation.
It happened about 6 years ago, heading home, back from a demonstration against the war that went on in Gaza. It wasn’t an uplifting event, to say the least. I left the demonstration feeling defeated, and alone.
On a street corner, someone stared at me. I didn’t know him, but he began to approach me. He was a big guy and walked rather fast, so I became a little nervous. But then he stopped, right in front of me, gave me a thumbs up and said:
– “Me too”
– “Sorry?”
“Me too”, he said again, pointing at my tshirt, that said “Jew and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies”.
“Stupid war”, he said. “Pointless”. And I agreed.
We went on, talking about what we can do to stop it. I have to admit I didn’t come up with loads of brilliant ideas.
“Next time, I’ll come too”, he said. We both went our ways.
Walking back home I kept thinking about how my tshirt just invited someone I don’t know to the next demonstration. It was amazing.
Over the years I’ve witnessed many reincarnations of that brief meeting. On the street, at work, at family gatherings. Time and time again I saw how tshirt start conversations, help minds open, change things in the real world.
This is why we’ve created RIOTANDCO – to make amazing tshirts that will carry messages in to the world, create conversation, and help in making the chages this world so desperately needs.